NixOS Root on ZFS


Unless stated otherwise, it is not recommended to customize system configuration before reboot.

UEFI support only

Only UEFI is supported by this guide. Make sure your computer is booted in UEFI mode.


  1. Download NixOS Live Image and boot from it.

    sha256sum -c ./nixos-*.sha256
    dd if=input-file of=output-file bs=1M
  2. Connect to the Internet.

  3. Set root password or /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.

  4. Start SSH server

    systemctl restart sshd
  5. Connect from another computer

    ssh root@
  6. Target disk

    List available disks with

    find /dev/disk/by-id/

    If virtio is used as disk bus, power off the VM and set serial numbers for disk. For QEMU, use -drive format=raw,file=disk2.img,serial=AaBb. For libvirt, edit domain XML. See this page for examples.

    Declare disk array

    DISK='/dev/disk/by-id/ata-FOO /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-BAR'

    For single disk installation, use

  7. Set a mount point

    MNT=$(mktemp -d)
  8. Set partition size:

    Set swap size in GB, set to 1 if you don’t want swap to take up too much space


    Set how much space should be left at the end of the disk, minimum 1GB


System Installation

  1. Partition the disks.

    Note: you must clear all existing partition tables and data structures from target disks.

    For flash-based storage, this can be done by the blkdiscard command below:

    partition_disk () {
     local disk="${1}"
     blkdiscard -f "${disk}" || true
     parted --script --align=optimal  "${disk}" -- \
     mklabel gpt \
     mkpart EFI 1MiB 4GiB \
     mkpart rpool 4GiB -$((SWAPSIZE + RESERVE))GiB \
     mkpart swap  -$((SWAPSIZE + RESERVE))GiB -"${RESERVE}"GiB \
     set 1 esp on \
     partprobe "${disk}"
    for i in ${DISK}; do
       partition_disk "${i}"
  2. Setup temporary encrypted swap for this installation only. This is useful if the available memory is small:

    for i in ${DISK}; do
       cryptsetup open --type plain --key-file /dev/random "${i}"-part3 "${i##*/}"-part3
       mkswap /dev/mapper/"${i##*/}"-part3
       swapon /dev/mapper/"${i##*/}"-part3
  3. LUKS only: Setup encrypted LUKS container for root pool:

    for i in ${DISK}; do
       # see PASSPHRASE PROCESSING section in cryptsetup(8)
       printf "YOUR_PASSWD" | cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks2 "${i}"-part2 -
       printf "YOUR_PASSWD" | cryptsetup luksOpen "${i}"-part2 luks-rpool-"${i##*/}"-part2 -
  4. Create root pool

    • Unencrypted

      # shellcheck disable=SC2046
      zpool create \
          -o ashift=12 \
          -o autotrim=on \
          -R "${MNT}" \
          -O acltype=posixacl \
          -O canmount=off \
          -O dnodesize=auto \
          -O normalization=formD \
          -O relatime=on \
          -O xattr=sa \
          -O mountpoint=none \
          rpool \
          mirror \
         $(for i in ${DISK}; do
            printf '%s ' "${i}-part2";
    • LUKS encrypted

      # shellcheck disable=SC2046
      zpool create \
          -o ashift=12 \
          -o autotrim=on \
          -R "${MNT}" \
          -O acltype=posixacl \
          -O canmount=off \
          -O dnodesize=auto \
          -O normalization=formD \
          -O relatime=on \
          -O xattr=sa \
          -O mountpoint=none \
          rpool \
          mirror \
         $(for i in ${DISK}; do
            printf '/dev/mapper/luks-rpool-%s ' "${i##*/}-part2";

    If not using a multi-disk setup, remove mirror.

  5. Create root system container:

    zfs create -o canmount=noauto -o mountpoint=legacy rpool/root

    Create system datasets, manage mountpoints with mountpoint=legacy

    zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy rpool/home
    mount -o X-mount.mkdir -t zfs rpool/root "${MNT}"
    mount -o X-mount.mkdir -t zfs rpool/home "${MNT}"/home
  6. Format and mount ESP. Only one of them is used as /boot, you need to set up mirroring afterwards

    for i in ${DISK}; do
     mkfs.vfat -n EFI "${i}"-part1
    for i in ${DISK}; do
     mount -t vfat -o fmask=0077,dmask=0077,iocharset=iso8859-1,X-mount.mkdir "${i}"-part1 "${MNT}"/boot

System Configuration

  1. Generate system configuration:

    nixos-generate-config --root "${MNT}"
  2. Edit system configuration:

    nano "${MNT}"/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
  3. Set networking.hostId:

    networking.hostId = "abcd1234";
  4. If using LUKS, add the output from following command to system configuration

    tee <<EOF
      boot.initrd.luks.devices = {
    for i in ${DISK}; do echo \"luks-rpool-"${i##*/}-part2"\".device = \"${i}-part2\"\; ; done
    tee <<EOF
  5. Install system and apply configuration

    nixos-install  --root "${MNT}"

    Wait for the root password reset prompt to appear.

  6. Unmount filesystems

    cd /
    umount -Rl "${MNT}"
    zpool export -a
  7. Reboot

  8. Set up networking, desktop and swap.

  9. Mount other EFI system partitions then set up a service for syncing their contents.