

Reach out to the community using the Mailing Lists or IRC at #zfsonlinux on Libera Chat.

If you have a bug report or feature request related to this HOWTO, please file a new issue and mention @ne9z.


Note: this is for installing ZFS on an existing NixOS installation. To use ZFS as root file system, see below.

NixOS live image ships with ZFS support by default.

Note that you need to apply these settings even if you don’t need to boot from ZFS. The kernel module ‘zfs.ko’ will not be available to modprobe until you make these changes and reboot.

  1. Edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and add the following options:

    boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
    boot.zfs.forceImportRoot = false;
    networking.hostId = "yourHostId";

    Where hostID can be generated with:

    head -c4 /dev/urandom | od -A none -t x4
  2. Apply configuration changes:

    nixos-rebuild boot
  3. Reboot:


Root on ZFS


You can contribute to this documentation. Fork this repo, edit the documentation, then opening a pull request.

  1. To test your changes locally, use the devShell in this repo:

    git clone openzfs-docs-dev
    cd openzfs-docs-dev
    nix develop ./openzfs-docs-dev/#docs
  2. Inside the openzfs-docs repo, build pages:

    make html
  3. Look for errors and warnings in the make output. If there is no errors:

    xdg-open _build/html/index.html
  4. git commit --signoff to a branch, git push, and create a pull request. Mention @ne9z.