
ZFS-SET(8) System Manager's Manual ZFS-SET(8)

zfs-setset properties on ZFS datasets

zfs set [-u] property=value [property=value]… filesystem|volume|snapshot

zfs get [-r|-d depth] [-Hp] [-j [--json-int]] [-o field[,field]…] [-s source[,source]…] [-t type[,type]…] all|property[,property]… [filesystem|volume|snapshot|bookmark]…

zfs inherit [-rS] property filesystem|volume|snapshot

zfs set [-u] property=value [property=value]… filesystem|volume|snapshot
Only some properties can be edited. See zfsprops(7) for more information on what properties can be set and acceptable values. Numeric values can be specified as exact values, or in a human-readable form with a suffix of , , , , , , , (for bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes, exabytes, or zettabytes, respectively). User properties can be set on snapshots. For more information, see the section of zfsprops(7).
Update mountpoint, sharenfs, sharesmb property but do not mount or share the dataset.
zfs get [-r|-d depth] [-Hp] [-j [--json-int]] [-o field[,field]…] [-s source[,source]…] [-t type[,type]…] all|property[,property]… [filesystem|volume|snapshot|bookmark]…
Displays properties for the given datasets. If no datasets are specified, then the command displays properties for all datasets on the system. For each property, the following columns are displayed:
Dataset name
Property name
Property value
Property source local, default, inherited, temporary, received, or - (none).

All columns are displayed by default, though this can be controlled by using the -o option. This command takes a comma-separated list of properties as described in the Native Properties and User Properties sections of zfsprops(7).

The value all can be used to display all properties that apply to the given dataset's type (filesystem, volume, snapshot, or bookmark).

Display the output in JSON format. Specify to display numbers in integer format instead of strings for JSON output.
Display output in a form more easily parsed by scripts. Any headers are omitted, and fields are explicitly separated by a single tab instead of an arbitrary amount of space.
Recursively display any children of the dataset, limiting the recursion to depth. A depth of will display only the dataset and its direct children.
A comma-separated list of columns to display, defaults to name,property,value,source.
Display numbers in parsable (exact) values.
Recursively display properties for any children.
A comma-separated list of sources to display. Those properties coming from a source other than those in this list are ignored. Each source must be one of the following: local, default, inherited, temporary, received, or . The default value is all sources.
A comma-separated list of types to display, where type is one of filesystem, snapshot, volume, bookmark, or all. , , or can be used as aliases for filesystem, snapshot, or volume.
zfs inherit [-rS] property filesystem|volume|snapshot
Clears the specified property, causing it to be inherited from an ancestor, restored to default if no ancestor has the property set, or with the -S option reverted to the received value if one exists. See zfsprops(7) for a listing of default values, and details on which properties can be inherited.
Recursively inherit the given property for all children.
Revert the property to the received value, if one exists; otherwise, for non-inheritable properties, to the default; otherwise, operate as if the -S option was not specified.

The following commands create a file system named pool/home and a file system named pool/home/bob. The mount point /export/home is set for the parent file system, and is automatically inherited by the child file system.

# zfs create pool/home
# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home pool/home
# zfs create pool/home/bob

The following command disables the compression property for all file systems under pool/home. The next command explicitly enables compression for pool/home/anne.

# zfs set compression= pool/home
# zfs set compression= pool/home/anne

The following command sets a quota of 50 Gbytes for pool/home/bob:

# zfs set =50G pool/home/bob

The following command lists all properties for pool/home/bob:

# zfs get all pool/home/bob
NAME           PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
pool/home/bob  type                  filesystem             -
pool/home/bob  creation              Tue Jul 21 15:53 2009  -
pool/home/bob  used                  21K                    -
pool/home/bob  available             20.0G                  -
pool/home/bob  referenced            21K                    -
pool/home/bob  compressratio         1.00x                  -
pool/home/bob  mounted               yes                    -
pool/home/bob  quota                 20G                    local
pool/home/bob  reservation           none                   default
pool/home/bob  recordsize            128K                   default
pool/home/bob  mountpoint            /pool/home/bob         default
pool/home/bob  sharenfs              off                    default
pool/home/bob  checksum              on                     default
pool/home/bob  compression           on                     local
pool/home/bob  atime                 on                     default
pool/home/bob  devices               on                     default
pool/home/bob  exec                  on                     default
pool/home/bob  setuid                on                     default
pool/home/bob  readonly              off                    default
pool/home/bob  zoned                 off                    default
pool/home/bob  snapdir               hidden                 default
pool/home/bob  acltype               off                    default
pool/home/bob  aclmode               discard                default
pool/home/bob  aclinherit            restricted             default
pool/home/bob  canmount              on                     default
pool/home/bob  xattr                 on                     default
pool/home/bob  copies                1                      default
pool/home/bob  version               4                      -
pool/home/bob  utf8only              off                    -
pool/home/bob  normalization         none                   -
pool/home/bob  casesensitivity       sensitive              -
pool/home/bob  vscan                 off                    default
pool/home/bob  nbmand                off                    default
pool/home/bob  sharesmb              off                    default
pool/home/bob  refquota              none                   default
pool/home/bob  refreservation        none                   default
pool/home/bob  primarycache          all                    default
pool/home/bob  secondarycache        all                    default
pool/home/bob  usedbysnapshots       0                      -
pool/home/bob  usedbydataset         21K                    -
pool/home/bob  usedbychildren        0                      -
pool/home/bob  usedbyrefreservation  0                      -

The following command gets a single property value:

# zfs get -H -o value compression pool/home/bob

The following command gets a single property value recursively in JSON format:

# zfs get -j -r mountpoint pool/home | jq
  "output_version": {
    "command": "zfs get",
    "vers_major": 0,
    "vers_minor": 1
  "datasets": {
    "pool/home": {
      "name": "pool/home",
      "type": "FILESYSTEM",
      "pool": "pool",
      "createtxg": "10",
      "properties": {
        "mountpoint": {
          "value": "/pool/home",
          "source": {
            "type": "DEFAULT",
            "data": "-"
    "pool/home/bob": {
      "name": "pool/home/bob",
      "type": "FILESYSTEM",
      "pool": "pool",
      "createtxg": "1176",
      "properties": {
        "mountpoint": {
          "value": "/pool/home/bob",
          "source": {
            "type": "DEFAULT",
            "data": "-"

The following command lists all properties with local settings for pool/home/bob:

# zfs get -r -s local -o name,property,value all pool/home/bob
NAME           PROPERTY              VALUE
pool/home/bob  quota                 20G
pool/home/bob  compression           on

The following command causes pool/home/bob and pool/home/anne to inherit the checksum property from their parent.

# zfs inherit checksum pool/home/bob pool/home/anne

The following example sets the user-defined com.example:department property for a dataset:

# zfs set com.example:department=12345 tank/accounting

The following commands show how to set sharenfs property options to enable read-write access for a set of IP addresses and to enable root access for system "neo" on the tank/home file system:

# zfs set sharenfs='rw=@[::1],root=neo' tank/home

If you are using DNS for host name resolution, specify the fully-qualified hostname.

zfsprops(7), zfs-list(8)

April 20, 2024 Debian